Page 15 - Demo
P. 15

We can now source, route, mix, and send to air from just about any device imaginable, in some cases without touching a single physical fader.
   Virtualiza on is not only happening on the surface, it’s happening inside the network as well. For example, there are two u lity stereo mixers in the I/O BLADEs that make up our WheatNet-IP audio network.
By adding virtual stereo mixers to the I/O unit, mixing is no longer limited to a loca on in the studio. Mixing is an available resource on the network that can be used to mix-down or split channels on site at, say, a spor ng event, or for crea ng an intercom system. In short, background mixing can now happen independently from the console surface. Mix-minus can be triggered in the  eld from a virtual bu on panel, or a Windows tablet in a produc on truck or centralized studio.
Virtual mixers at every connec on point in the network make it easy to group mic outputs into a single output, segue remotely between feeds, overdub and pan, set up IFBs on the  y, and so much more ... virtually anywhere.
Add to this the ScreenBuilder factor, and we can now source, route, mix, and send to air from just about any surface imaginable, in some cases without touching a single physical fader.
The possibili es get even more interes ng now that we added dynamic EQ and other virtual audio processing tools to I/O points in the network. We can now “spot process” satellite feeds, headphone audio, web streams and other audio feeds virtually anywhere on the network. l

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