Page 26 - Demo
P. 26

Screens 2, 3, 5, 6, and 8 courtesy of Chris Penny, Agile Broadcast
It amazes us what people do with the tools we build. Here’s a small sampling of ScreenBuilder projects our friends from around the world have come up with for streamlining and customizing their work ows. We can’t wait to see what you come up with.
1. SAVE Di usion’s Rafael Dolomazan put together this screen which provides control over a live show, complete with speci c console and automa on func ons.
2. Using this simple virtual panel, producers can press the desired chair to bring up a monitor mix or simple intercom and control profanity delay as needed.
3. This is an advanced monitoring panel used in live racing. It shows
(and can mix) the 24 channels available on the LX-24 surface. The MM1 and MM2 buses are controlled here and feed the le  (MM1) and right (MM2) sides of a commentators headphones. Commentators can listen to mul ple contribu on sources in each ear, and raise the audio level
of up-and-coming races by double-clicking the source. This brings the most important races to the forefront of the monitor mix. This unique implementa on adapts to the ad-hoc nature of the content, allowing the commentator to concentrate on the important informa on as it happens – all while being able to keep an eye on upcoming events.
   4. Henrik Poulsen, CTO for Radio Nordjyske in Denmark, designed this control panel for easily switching rou ng to their transmi er sites.

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