Page 4 - Demo
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 The en rely virtual broadcast studio is not only possible, but most of the pieces are already in place. A good majority of what sta ons do today – schedule music, stream it, record news updates, even turn on a mic and preload se ngs for it -- can be done without ever leaving the IP audio network.
If the goal were virtualiza on, we would already be there. But the reality is far more complicated. Producing great radio doesn’t happen in a cloud; it takes a combina on of the right talent, the right programming, and the right tools. Being able to adapt to the work ows you need when you need them can solve problems that were once di cult, if not impossible, to solve. Here are  ve:
  1. Upsized content in a downsized opera on
The volume of audio deliverables has picked up considerably due in part to social media, and will no doubt con nue as 5G begins to  ood mobile users with even more data. Meanwhile, both studios and sta ng have shrunk in recent years. Virtualiza on can  ll the gap. With today’s digital and streaming services especially, sta ons can originate specialized programming without adding the physical rooms to manage those addi onal mixes.
2. Content is no longer coming just from the studio
Content can come from anywhere these days – the Internet, a sister sta on, or even a listener’s iPhone. Virtual solu ons give you the  exibility to generate content o  of any surface, anywhere, and to tap into content wherever it can be found.

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